Legislative Updates February, 2025: ILOTA Bill Tracking Report from our Lobbyist, Brian Wojcicki (updated weekly) June, 2024: The new Illinois OT Practice Act Rules are now available here. Current List of Bills (May 2024) January 2024: ADVOCACY EFFORTS - OUTPATIENT MEDICAID RATE INCREASE We are pleased to announce a 14.2% increase to the Medicaid rates set forth in the Department of Healthcare and Family Services' therapy provider fee schedule for reimbursement of occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists. This was a result of a collaborative effort between ILOTA, IPTA and ISHA. The ILOTA OP Medicaid task force continues to advocate for increased rates and decreased processes. We are available for comments and questions. Refer to Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services website for details regarding quantities and codes: https://hfs.illinois.gov/medicalproviders/medicaidreimbursement/therapyfeeschedule.html. Brenda Koverman ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-24 Focus The ILOTA Advocacy Committee is focusing efforts on passing the Compact Act. This bill would allow Illinois OT practitioners to join an interstate formal agreement among other states to facilitate interstate practice of occupational therapy without having to have a license in each individual state. There are currently 25 other states that have passed legislation to join the compact agreement. The compact agreement will give greater access to occupational therapy services and ease provider burden in providing services across states. We do not have a bill number for this but if you are going to be meeting with your legislator, feel free to use this Compact Act Fact Sheet linked here. Members of this committee are also available to attend legislative events with you or if you any further questions at [email protected]. Highlights of the New Illinois OT Practice Act - Takes Effect on January 1, 2024 We are pleased to introduce you to our new Illinois Occupational Therapy Practice Act. It passed both the House and the Senate unanimously, and was signed by the Governor in July. It will go into effect on January 1, 2024. The Bill is SB 2057 and we will post the revised Act when it is in the official format. For now, we’ve listed below the highlights. Please view and download this PDF for the details.
In addition to these changes the Department added language concerning the licensee’s duty to keep the Department informed of address changes. Current List of Bills (May 2023)
IN NEED OF PATIENT/CAREGIVER OR PROVIDER STORIES ABOUT DELAYS WITH RECEIVING OP OT The OP Medicaid task force is looking for stories (can be a few sentences or longer) about patients/caregivers or providers who have experienced delays or other barriers in receiving OP OT services. Please specify age, condition, and location. We would like to have names, but will take anonymous narratives. Please send to [email protected] by 4/14/2023. 2023 Brings Illinois Requirement for Training in Implicit Bias Awareness and Dementia ILOTA is currently in the process of developing CE courses that will comply with the new one-hour training requirements for Implicit Bias Awareness and on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Similar to the required training in Ethics and Sexual Harassment, the CE courses will be free to current ILOTA members and offered for a nominal fee to non-members. We expect the new courses will be available by August 15, 2023. ILOTA is Celebrating an Advocacy Win! On July 22, 2021, Governor JB Pritzker signed HB 3308 into law, expanding access to telehealth services across the state. A key component of this law is payment parity - insurance companies will be required to reimburse for telehealth services at the same rate as in-person services. Many thanks to Clare Giuffrida, ILOTA's Early Intervention SIS Co-Chair, for representing ILOTA at the signing. For more information, please see the press release at this link.
NEWS! Illinois Representative Dagmara Avelar’s Community Back to School Resources Event on August 14, 2021