During Black History Month, ILOTA recommended practitioners listen to Episode 4 of the 1619 Podcast. Dr. Maud Makoni provides a reflection on the podcast.
Health care access and disparity for our black patients/clients as OTPs
Healthcare is a human right, and OTPs, are already participating in closing the healthcare disparity gap. I listened to the 1619 podcast, Episode 4: How Bad Blood Started (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1619/id1476928106?i=1000449718223) and agreed with all the sentiments shared. Much progress has been made nationally and internationally, but as clinicians, we still have some ways to arrive at healthcare equality. From a provider perspective, who is Black, I have experienced health care disparities indirectly. By this, I mean through the lived experience of relatives, friends, and some of my patients. Honestly, the discrepancy comes down to humanity’s disservice and not necessarily racial divide occasionally. I have seen the people around me struggle with the lack of or insufficient medical care resources, just like the man in the podcast who died of preventable disease, the familiar story of many.